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Laws and security

Laws and security

Ekosesin - Admin 2024-02-27

Ekosesin's general terms and conditions of use
Hello! Welcome to Ekosesin.
This document describes the terms and conditions of using Ekosesin and the relationship between us (Ekosesin) and you (the user). Using Ekosesin indicates your acceptance of the contents of this document; Therefore, despite its length, please read it carefully before working on Ekosesin.
We are happy to see you on Ekosesin and we always try to create a good user experience for you.
This document was last updated on 01/01/2024. Your continued use of Ekosesin means that you accept the changes made to this document.


Article 1- Introducing Ekosesin

Article 2- Ekosesin's general terms of use

Article 3- Ekosesin site policies

Article 4- Ekosesin's rights and responsibilities

Article 5 - Rights and responsibilities of the user

Article 6 - Guarantee of fulfillment of non-compliance with obligations

Article 7- Intellectual property

Article 8 - Protection of confidentiality

Article 9- Resolution of disputes

Article 10- Communication with Ekosesin


Article 1- Introducing Ekosesin

Ekosesin's website (www.Ekosesin.com) domain is designed to streamline transactions and eliminate middlemen.Ekosesin is a user-oriented (electronic and virtual interface) platform known as a hosting service provider. This platform provides space on the computer system for users to post their advertisements; In this way, each user publishes his advertisement directly and Ekosesin's site does not have any intervention in the publication, supply and refinement of the advertisements.


Article 2- Ekosesin's general terms of use

1) In order to see advertisements and use Ekosesin features, you must register your active mobile phone number to which the verification code will be sent and create your user account.

2) In order to register an ad on Ekosesin, you must first create an account using the mobile phone number registered in your name.

3) For any activity on Ekosesin you must comply with the following conditions:

A) Being over 18 years of age. The activities of people under the age of 18 must be supervised by their parents.

b) Compliance of your activities and advertisements with laws, regulations, circulars, approvals, current regulations of the country, orders of judicial authorities, customs and public order.

c) Compliance of your activities and advertisements with Ekosesin's conditions and laws.


Article 3- Ekosesin site policies
Our general policies for providing services to you are as follows:

1) Advertising policies

To run an ad, you must comply with Ekosesin's policies, which include but are not limited to:

Not publishing duplicate advertisements and publishing advertisements in the wrong category;
Not posting more than one product or service in each listing;
Failure to publish an advertisement soliciting goods or services;
Not to publish any advertising that is on the list of prohibited items or is temporarily restricted and prohibited as determined by specialized bodies;
Not to publish any advertisement that contains statements that are irrelevant to its subject matter or that are obscene, vulgar, unconventional, false, ambiguous, misleading or contrary to the laws of the country;
Publishing political, social, religious or insulting news, lies, slander, personal opinions, demonstration and campaign invitations, not publishing advertisements and misleading content contrary to the values of the case, disturbing the public peace and violating the material and intellectual rights of a third party or violating their property and assets. ;
Not to publish content that violates the rights of women, children, foreign immigrants or similar;
Not to publish any advertisements that violate the intellectual property rights of Ekosesin or third parties.


2) Photo publishing policies

You are personally responsible for the photographs in your listings and must publish the photograph in accordance with the existing laws and regulations of the country and Ekosesin's terms and conditions, respecting and protecting the rights of third parties. If you want to use photographs, you must use real and high-quality images in the advertising content. The size of the image must be at least 600 x 600 pixels and at most 5 MB.
If any of the following conditions are present, Ekosesin has the right to prevent the desired image from being published or to remove the advertisement.

Use of logo image (except for recruitment and job search category);
The image is too small or of poor quality;
image unrelated to the product or service provided;
Images of other ads on Ekosesin;
Downloaded screenshots and photos, and generally any photos not taken directly from the product itself.
Unreal image made with 3D design software;
The image is matte and edited by the software or has a frame.
combining photos into a single photo (collage);
images of unauthorized products and services;
Image that is contrary to the customs and traditions of the society or the laws of the country;
Instrumental use of human images in advertisements;
Display price, contact number, email, website address in the picture;
Image containing text, description, brand name or any advertising statement.


3) Policies regarding fraud and harassment

During the transaction, you must verify the identity of the contracting party and ensure that the contract terms are safe and correct. Ekosesin is not responsible for verifying transactions; However, Ekosesin reserves the right to follow up and take necessary actions in cases of violation. In order to combat fraud, Ekosesin blocks criminal users who want to commit crimes as much as possible and provides reports and information regarding violations to the competent authorities if a lawsuit is filed and requested by the authorities. When using Ekosesin, you expressly declare that you accept this document, therefore, in case of any violation of its content, Ekosesin has the right to take any preventive measures to remedy the violation. In addition, Ekosesin reserves the right to react to the actions of the offender and file a lawsuit against him in case of committing crimes such as fraud, disturbing users, any bad behavior that disturbs the peace of users or harms them. Recognizing that Ekosesin has no liability, the mentioned series of measures are in line with respecting the law, satisfying users and upholding Ekosesin's policies and values.


4) Policies regarding fees and services

Publishing ads in some categories is free for users up to a certain monthly limit. Obviously, you have to pay a fee to post more than the specified number of ads. Additionally, using Ekosesin's special services to increase ad views in all categories requires payment.


Article 4- Ekosesin's rights and responsibilities

1) Ekosesin site provides space on the computer system for its users to publish their advertisements. As a result, each user publishes his own advertisement directly and the Ekosesin site has nothing to do with the publication, supply and refinement of advertisements.

2) By transacting on Ekosesin's site, you declare that you accept that Ekosesin will not be responsible for the actions of other users. Ekosesin will not accept any liability for direct and indirect damages arising from users' communication with each other; Even if the damages are foreseeable. Before taking action, Ekosesin recommends that you read the safe shopping guide and safe service guide on the Ekosesin website.

3) The subject of the advertisements, description, link, etc. All content is provided by users, hence . quality safety, price etc. Ekosesin has no responsibility to guarantee. You should always pay attention to the points that need to be taken into consideration during your transactions; Because Ekosesin is not responsible for any fraudulent or fraudulent behavior of users. Posting an ad on Ekosesin does not mean accepting responsibility or guaranteeing the price, security or accuracy of the content of that ad, and the parties to any transaction are responsible for these matters and have no right to refer to Ekosesin.

4) Ekosesin is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy, completeness and authenticity of the information published by users. The user who publishes the ad is responsible for the accuracy of the information. The user who wishes to transact or establish any relationship with the advertiser must personally verify the content of the advertisement and act at his/her own risk and obtain the necessary information. Ekosesin is not responsible for any fraud or fraudulent behavior of users; Therefore, there is no right to appeal to Ekosesin in these cases.

5) Ekosesin does not accept any material or moral responsibility for deaths, moral and moral damages that may result from the negligence of advertisements and users.
6) Possible problems that may occur in the use of online payment portals are not related to Ekosesin and Ekosesin will not be responsible for them.
7) Ekosesin is not responsible for any business losses (for example: loss of profits, income, production, anticipated savings, jobs, contracts, business opportunities).

8) Ekosesin does not accept any responsibility for possible hacking or disconnection of the site, temporary interruption of services due to technical reasons or internet outages, loss of user records and information for similar reasons, and damage to users due to items. It is listed in this article without reservations, it has no monopoly. This umbilical cord is not a reasonable and conventional measure to protect the rights of users, but involves unforeseen and uncontrollable problems and force majeure situations. However, if there is a malfunction in Ekosesin, we try to fix the malfunction and provide technical support within our means.
9) If more than one advertisement with the same or similar content is recorded by the user or if Ekosesin determines that the goods and services subject to the advertisement are not available, Ekosesin has the right to remove the advertisement and do not refund the amount.


Article 5 - Rights and responsibilities of the user

1) You acknowledge that if you upload an ad that is against Ekosesin's policies or engage in any disruptive or illegal performance while recording ads, your action will harm Ekosesin's credibility and as a result we reserve the right to pursue such matters. 
2) You agree to use Ekosesin for commercial and economic purposes only. Ekosesin has the right to block your user account if you see an advertisement with prohibited purposes.

3) If you have a business, you accept that you are obliged to obtain a business panel in order to register an ad in your field of activity. If you register your business ad as a personal ad, Ekosesin has the right to delete your ad and block you. If you purchase a package through a particular panel, Ekosesin may agree with you differently at his discretion, depending on the regulations of that panel. It should be noted that the panels purchased through Ekosesin are personal and the panel owner is not allowed to transfer them to others.
4) You agree to comply with Ekosesin's terms and regulations and the laws of your country and to avoid any form of abuse in case you have any communication with users of the business panel regarding purchasing, business relationship or use of services. Obviously, if any violation is observed, Ekosesin has the right to block the user account of the violator.
5) By posting any advertisement on Ekosesin's website, you agree that service providers who cooperate with Ekosesin in any way may comment on your advertisement. Service providers are registered with Ekosesin and have access to facilities, expertise, authentication, etc. They are real or legal persons who provide services on issues.


Article 6 - Guarantee of fulfillment of non-compliance with obligations

1) Ekosesin reserves the right to remove advertisements that are against the terms and rules when deemed necessary.
2) In order to increase the security of users and at its own discretion, Ekosesin reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the user who violates the terms and rules contained in this document, when deemed necessary.
3) Misusing Ekosesin's site in any way, using any kind of malware, spying and bots, scanning information, disrupting services, using any malicious method to access the information and content of the site, including contact number, image and advertisement description to use. It is prohibited over any system or network. In case such activities are observed, Ekosesin reserves the right to take any legal action. Additionally, Ekosesin may, at its sole discretion, limit or block the violating user's access to the site.


Article 7- Intellectual property

Ekosesin intellectual property rights of Ekosesin, including the registered Ekosesin advertising publication website, domain name, user interface, images, graphics, designs and texts, belong entirely and exclusively to Ekosesin's site. Abuse, copying, reverse engineering, data mining and commercial use of these items by third parties without Ekosesin's written permission is not allowed, and Ekosesin has the right to file a lawsuit against defaulters and claim compensation according to the law.


Article 8 - Protection of confidentiality

1) General situations

A) The privacy protection principle explains our rules of conduct in the field of lawful use, collection and storage of users' personal information and the framework for protecting this information.

b) By using the Ekosesin site, you expressly consent to the collection, storage and storage of personal information and the use of this information by Ekosesin.

c) Ekosesin may change its privacy policies at any time. Your continued use of the Ekosesin site means that you unconditionally consent to these changes; It is therefore recommended to read this policy regularly. Any changes to the privacy policy will be updated on Ekosesin's website.

2) Information collected from users

A) Anyone can visit Ekosesin's site without registering. As soon as you register on the Ekosesin site via your mobile phone number, you expressly agree to the legal storage of your personal information.

b) The information entered by you regarding the advertising content and the images you upload to the site will be collected and stored in order to maintain the service level and prevent violations and fraud.

c) Technical information and server reports will be collected, stored and used to maintain the service level. Said information includes: Internet Protocol (IP) address, device make and model information, network type and browser type and version, important device information during crashes including whether the device is rooted, total amount of RAM and space. During the outage, on the day and time of the events, the wireless network is closed or open, the data network is closed or open, the roaming status is closed or open.

3) How does Ekosesin use users' personal information?

By creating an account on the Ekosesin site, you expressly agree that Ekosesin will use your personal information for the following purposes:

Communication with users
Prevent fraud and harassment...
Improve user experience
For research and development purposes, anonymously, at the discretion and identity of Ekosesin
Other targets legitimately and legally determined by Ekosesin

4) Maintenance and protection of user data

a) Ekosesin is obliged to keep its users' information for at least six months after the subscription ends, and stored content and traffic data resulting from changes for at least fifteen days.

b) Ekosesin may provide the information in this document to the relevant institutions only in accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities, in order to comply with the laws and regulations of the country.

c) Third parties who cooperate with Ekosesin in providing services or are affiliated with Ekosesin are allowed to process and use personal information only within the framework of this document.

t) Ekosesin makes every effort to protect and preserve the personal data of its users, but does not bear any responsibility for the corruption of users' data in the event of unforeseen and uncontrollable events or interruptions in the country's internet platform.


Article 9- Resolution of disputes

1) In case of any dispute between the User and Ekosesin, the following points must be observed:

You are obligated to attend face-to-face or online meetings at Ekosesin's discretion and request; Or cooperate with Ekosesin's support team to the maximum extent in cases where there is no need to hold a meeting at Ekosesin's discretion.
2) In case of any dispute between users:

If there is a dispute between you and another user, first try to resolve it peacefully. If there is no agreement, you can apply to the judicial authorities. We would like to point out that we do not have any responsibility in this matter, but we try to cooperate with you as much as possible.


Article 10- Communication with Us

1) You can find more answers to your questions by visiting the support page. You can also contact the site's support if you need support. We are committed to providing the highest level of support services within our capabilities.

2) By providing your mobile phone number to Ekosesin, you agree to Ekosesin sending you SMS notifications regarding events, services and special services. If you wish, you can contact the support center and request that these SMS messages be stopped from being sent to you.

3) Since the Ekosesin site is user-centered, it is managed by the users. If you use the Ekosesin site, you accept all the rules and agree that you have no right to complain to Ekosesin in case of any problem. If there is a problem, you can only complain to the other user you are having trouble with.



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